Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Rowing (3)

A lone rower and an empty oil tanker.


VP said...

What a beautiful set of images you're posting. They remind me of Whistler's studies of chromatic colors, and I'm not joking.

tr3nta said...

finally came back from my long vacation I've been in Portugal and Italy... happy 2009 to U.

Bellissime photo around here as always...

Tanya Breese said...

Awesome photo, such a contrast :)

Saretta said...

Che confronto! Chi vincerà la gara? ;-) Semplicemente bellissima la foto!

Federico said...

Really beatiful lighting!

abc said...

cool contrast!

Smarties said...

this rowers series is great.
makes me really wanna visit trieste and the freezing misty gulf, something that i never managed to do while i was in italy!
shame on me!

Chuck Pefley said...

Wonderful contrast!

humanobserver said...


Victor said...

Gorgeous image and full of symbolism too. Cheers!