In 1839 the garden was bought by the Triestinian deputy of the Vienna Parliament, Giuseppe Basevi. He donated it to the Municipality of Trieste in 1898.
You can find one of the entrances half way up the Dublin steps.
I received these 2 awards from a great photographer tr3nta (thank you!), and am delighted to pass them on to 8 other bloggers:
Dal barbecue ai bobici
Lexington Daily Photo
Gabriola Daily Photo
Blanco y Negro... y Que?!
My Manila
Nice Daily Photo
Palo Verdes Daily Photo
Rob, that is so sweet of you. I'm honoured..
Have a lovely Sunday.
Rob, thank you very much. I feel I don't deserve it, it's just a small space I use to rant and rave, and at times have a laugh...
Your post today reminds me of my time in Trieste. Living in Campi Elisi I used Via Besenghi and Dublino Steps often as a swift shortcut to town, on foot.
That is how I discovered Giardino Basevi, that is kind of forgotten in that corner. I really like your photo's awesome view from the top edge of the wall, almost "looking over", kind of a "secret garden" feel. Really cool.
I really like the "echoing" effect you got here with the trees, Rob. The bare trees are one of my favorite things about winter. I would certainly climb those lovely steps to get to this garden.
Thank you so much for the award -- my first! I appreciate it particularly in that your photos are so very good. Yesterday's was like a dream!
Thank you so much, Rob. This is very kind of you and is much appreciated.
I love photos of bare trees and this is just perfect. Our trees rarely shed all their leaves because it never gets cold enough for them to go into dormancy.
Oh, silly me: congratulations on your award too! Like tr3nta, I think your blog is one of the coolest I know too!
First time to your blog, you have amazing photos! Cant wait to see whats next!
Congrats on your awards!
I like these stark branches!
Rob, congrats & Thank You very much...I am honoured.....In between that photo was quite intriguing....
you can also hit my photo blog....http://exposemaximum.blogspot.com/
Thank you very much for these awards!
Your photos are better and better every day!
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