Just as I was taking a photo of the graffiti on the door and the rubbish skip, this man strolled past up the hill. Then, lo and behold, he turned round and strolled past for my second attempt! So, as it is street number 2, I thought I'd put the 2 of him onto the same photo, for an odd shot.
to the rest of the Oddshots from around the planet.
I know the type, I've met several of them through my photos and usually wear a conspicuos vests or a funny hat!
How do you do that?!!?!? Very ODD shot! Bravo
LOL! And I thought they were really twins. Cool Odd Shot!
A Double Exposure...:)
We call them "lens lice"...
LOL .. excellent idea... cool odd shot
Like Aileni's double exposure!
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