A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you the less you know. -Diane Arbus-
Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again. -Henri Cartier Bresson-
I photograph to find out what something will look like photographed. - Garry Winogrand-
Very graphic, very nice.
I think I'd still sit outside just to get some sun. Good for anyone's soul :)
You just have to believe and then you can feel it too.
Great photo! I like this capture of blue and brown!! Great composition! I would like to rest there!
Fantastic colors...
Bella foto, da intitolare "Aspettando ... la primavera.
Dove l' hai scattata ?
Hope springs eternal...
Here they say that "spring at sea" starts on February 21st...
I would sit here, even in winter, and drink my coffee! :) fun.
Bolina: subito dopo l'ultimo topolino, sotto il molo. Dove c'è il noleggio dei pedalò. Ciao!
che bell' accostamento di colori, mi piace il movimento circolare degli oggetti! e poi il sole rende tutto piu bello!
I love this photo -- how wonderful!
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