Here I'd like to explain yesterday's enigmatic caption (which Vogon Poet and JM cleverly worked out).
El Pedocin (little louse), a public beach in the centre of town, dates back to the end of the nineteenth century; it is the only bathing establishment in Europe with a wall to divide the beach into two separate sections, one for men and the other for women: the only way they can meet is by swimming out to sea.
The separation of the sexes is very strict, and should a man (or woman) ever try to enter the other section, they would receive a volley of insults and be chased straight back out, unless, as in my case, the beach is completely deserted due to the icy cold weather.
The beach's nickname "pedocin" comes from a time when all the bathers used to have to leave the beach between two and four in the afternoon to allow soldiers to come in on their mules and horses to have a wash. The animals were tied up in what are now used as the changing rooms. Both the animals and the soldiers were often riddled with lice. Hence the name Pedocin.
Good story, nice way of posting it!
Ahaha! Ora capisco che hai scritto ieri- e'la spiaggia delle donne!:D
Interesting bit of history, not to mention a very plausible explanation.
Thanks for the explanation. At least they are allowed to meet in the water. Very romantic.
ehylà, bella la foto ed i colori, bella la storia!
A very nice shot, and an equally interesting write-up!
quest'anno i portaceneri sono stati tolti dalle docce...
è stato buffo un 'intervento telefonico nella trasmissione su telequattro (la trovi in youtube su lalberodellamusica divisa in piu' parti) in cui una signora si lamentava della mancanza di posaceneri...e una telefonata successiva la ammoniva dicendo: ma non posso mica mettere un posacenere a testa???
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