Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Prepararsi a scendere

"L’ultimo tram, numero 9, el xe partido da Campo Marzio ale 21:00 del 31 marzo 1970 e la corsa la xe finida a San Giovanni.Mi iero a bordo dela terza vetura, proprio l’ultima dele ultime…

Durante la corsa el se ga impignido de gente che voleva celebrar ma ala partenza ghe iera poche persone e più de qualchedun se ga meravigliado del casin che fazevimo, una veceta me ga anche zigado che no se fa ste robe, mularia maledeta, dopo la ga capì e la se ga messo in alegria anche ela.
Più de uno se gaveva portà drio cazavide e tenaie per ciorse ricordi. Me ricordo de tre maritimi filipini stupefati che i gaverà contà a casa che a Trieste ogni sera i disfa i tram in corsa bevendo a garganela.
Mi go portado a casa el discheto col numero dela corsa, che el iera impicado davanti, sora del frenador. In realtà mi ghe fazevo la tira al numero “9” dela linea, ma ierimo in tropi che lo voleva e gaveria dovù mazar più de uno per rivarghe."
(foto di Sergio Ferrari, storia raccontatami da Nereo C. l'uomo che sta bevendo dalla bottiglia nella foto)

"The number 9 tram ran for the very last time at 9pm on 31 March 1970 when it went from Campo Marzio all the way to San Giovanni.
I was in the third carriage, the very last carriage of the very last tram ...
During the ride the tram gradually filled with people who wanted to celebrate, but to begin with there had been very few people and some of them were astounded by the din we were making, one old woman shouted at me "you shouldn't be doing that, tut, the youth of today!" , but then she understood what was going on and joined in the fun.
A few people had brought screwdrivers and pliers with them to take some souvenirs home with them. I remember there were three Philipine sailors who looked 
appalled and probably went home saying that every night people in Trieste dismantled the streetcars, drinking straight out of a bottle.
I took the disc with the number of the ride, which was hanging on the front of the tram, above the driver. Actually I had been hoping to get hold of the number "9", but too many of us wanted it and I'd have had to kill several people to get hold of it."
(photo by Sergio Ferrari, story by Nereo C. the man drinking from the bottle in the photo)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Qualche settimana fa hanno buttato giù pure quel che restava del deposito tranviario di S. Giovanni.