Monday, June 22, 2009

Beethoven (Museo Revoltella)

As I was strolling through the lanes in Città Vecchia, the old part of town, I came across a small reproduction of one of the paintings I prefer out of those displayed in Museo Revoltella.

The original is by Lionello Balestrieri, who leapt to fame thanks to this large painting (420x202cm) when it won the gold medal at the Universal Expo in Paris. The following year, it was displayed at the 4th Biennale in Venice, where it was widely acclaimed. This is when it was purchased by Museo Revoltella.

The painting is based on the memory of an evening spent in the company of some bohemian friends in a Parisian attic flat, when the artist's friend Giuseppe Vannicola, a poet and musician, played the Kreutzer Sonata by Beethoven on the violin. In the picture, the painter is portrayed in profile sitting next to a young lady who gazes out at the viewer to get him involved in the pictorial scene.

Next time I visit the museum Revoltella, I'll post a photo of the original painting.

Video: Nathan Milstein plays Beethoven Kreutzer Sonata (1st Mov.)


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Hey Rob I'm glad you like my technique on my photos. I add omni directional light and then color contrast to get this affect! If you have any other questions you can just email me at

SenorP said...

Why would they leave a painting like that out in the street? Must be low crime there!